Sunday, June 30, 2019

How to Convert Hosted Adsense Account to Non Hosted

Adsense is comes with hosted account and non hosted account type.

How to Convert Hosted Adsense Account to Non Hosted Account?

Since very begining i want to clear that, your account is not going to become non hosted once you convert into the hosted account as youtube or admob.

Once it get convertes you have two options only,

  1. First is to make your website without extension 
  2. Second is to cancel the account and apply new account with new gmail 

Adsense allows one account for user, if you cancel your account than you can apply with new by your new gmail account.

Read the full post, for getting knowledge on how you can reapply for new adsense account.

How to reapply for new adsense account?

The very first thing is to cancel your existing adsense account.

To do so go to Adsense > Account > Click on Cancel Account

After that Click on Confirm and then one email is sent to your gmail address for confirming your cancel account.

After you click on confirmation link, you can now apply for new adsense account.

In case, you apply from second account with new website than also google shows like this,

So, it is better to cancel your existing account and then apply for new one.

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