Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How do I drive traffic to my website?

How do I drive traffic to my website? 

How do I drive traffic to my website?

1. Write what people need
2. Catchy headline
3. Keyword placement
4. Keyword density
5. Work on your keywords
6. Increase your User Time on site
7. Focus on low competitor niche or article (find out ways to enter in the market)
8. Wisely promote the article
9. Meta description
10. Start to build backlinks
11. Use Google Search Console to increase traffic

How to get rank my website?

How Google Give you high traffic?

How people manage to drive millions of traffic?

Why my site isn’t receives traffic?

How can I generate 1000visitor a day?

How do I drive traffic to my website? Summery/Conclusion 


How do I drive traffic to my website? 

Increase traffic is the real game of blog or your website. There are two principles of traffic, quality and value. It means everyone want long term traffic, it won’t come without quality and value content. 

I have 4-5 years of experience, some deep points that you should focus for drive traffic. Below points is very specific, they can change the performance of your website/blog. Read post frequently as it reveals importance of small points.

People give you advice of writing, SEO tricks or case study. It won’t help much or short traffic is not we search. We need long term traffic, which we can convert into money. So, focus on higher goals, traffic, ranking and great content. 

Write what people need

“Need is the seed of innovation”

Writing what is helpful to consumer directly cultivate your level to high level. The need can be very small or big. It should be precisely predict. In blogging, we should focus on new solution; newer problems and how we betterly can overcome those problems. 

Catchy headline 

Headlines are the real driver of consumers. It is the first thing people see. Headline reveals idea, concept and topic in your article.  Headlines increases traffic exposure which may convert into traffic. It increases click through rate. If you don’t make catchy headline, attention and CTR will take by your competitor.

Keyword placement 

Keyword placement is direct mean SEO friendly article. Best keyword placement for generating traffic from search engine,

1) Headline 
2) Headings in articles 
3) Meta description 
4) Introduction and end paragraph 
5) Middle of the post 

Google perform keyword search, in Meta description, headings, and keywords from first or last paragraph. 

So, our keyword placement is little important for the consumer also. Sometimes, Consumer behaves by the headline. 

Keyword density 

Keyword density defines the percentage of a keyword in a whole post. Google crawl and find keyword comes more frequently. Search engine gives ranking to this more frequent keyword. Put the main keywords frequently with relevance. Keyword density should avoid Wrong SEO practice, keyword placement issues and malpractice.

Work on your keywords 

Now, when you publish after you have to follow keywords. Find which keyword Google rank your post. You can find the keywords on free tools such as Google analytics or Google search console. Keywords that bringing the traffic should be optimize for its higher performance. 
Increase your User Time on site 

User time means the amount of time an average person spends on your blog.

How user time increases traffic?

User time means how much time a user spends on your article reading. The longer he reads means user is reading because he understands and getting it. It indicates that Google should promote the post to people who love it. 

How to increase the user time on site?

We should and write more detail post, so it can get ranked easily. It should increases the overall value to the customer. A post higher in length sometimes damage value. Need is a thing that hold customer is for long as we save the need. So, write articles based on user need it will drive higher user time.  

Focus on low competitor niche or article (find out ways to enter in the market) 

To make entry into the market is real inertia we have to overcome. It is very difficult to enter in the competitive market. To get entry in the market we need to get rank keywords. Keywords rank easily when the competition is less. New topics, trending stuff, new ideas, tips were low competitive because it is current trend for competition will develop. 

Even you are in high competition, try to enter in the market from various perspective, areas and angle so you can grow out in space. Ex. tries various keywords ideas surrounding the topic.  Try writing differently & in different format with new ways to solve the consumer problems.

Once you enter the market it means you have created something that people like to use.

Wisely promote the article

The promotion is important it gives initial exposure to your blog. Developing strong social network will pay you loyal customers or traffic. When you promote stuff it is not only a post but a real product of yours. So, promotes great content. Promote the post in a way that brings higher conversation and engagement on social platform. 

Meta description 

Meta description is short description of your web page. Meta description is a basic search engine tactic. You can mention some keywords that you want to rank. Meta descriptions is seen by the people, it appear on the search results, more frequently. Meta description is a good SEO strategy that you should optimize it. 

Start to build backlinks 

Back linking becomes an important advance search engine metrics to rank. Google give high ranks to page with quality backlinks. You can build links from social sites and from any other quality sites. You came new to backlink you can orient term I have friendly and real article on backlink. How to manage and create backlink, to understand the natural backlinks read post:

Use Google Search Console to increase traffic 

Google search console provide data on each page, what keyword it rank, page rank and amount of clicks and impressions. Wisely calculate and improve your website performance. 

How to get rank my website?

Ranking is a real game of blogging. If your website get ranked for certain keyword that drives thousands of visitors. Than this is gold mine for you. But, issue is with this much of competition to get rank our pages is very difficult. Since, you don’t worry there is still a way to get see, by writing what consumer want. 

The content get rank easily if competition is less or negligible. Somewhere, to rank in highly competitive niche is tough level of blogging. 

To get rank, Google want great content, high click through rate and user time on site. So, it enhances your ranking. We have to work every area to get higher ranking. 

How Google Give you high traffic?

Google has a certain parameter to filter and then gives ranking. the amount of visitors you receive is depend number of articles rank high in Google search pages. 

Google does not manually send traffic to the site, but they look for each article to be capable of ranking high. So, that is the reason why some blogger earn more money and traffic with low number of post. 

How people manage to drive millions of traffic?


No one receive million traffic that is sustainable without producing quality content. It take time, energy, focus to write than index, rank etc. after that one receive millions of traffic. They manage huge traffic, by publishing frequently & developing the old content. 

You can drive traffic by keep working patiently with perseverance you soon receive higher traffic. 

Why my site isn’t receives traffic?

There reason can low quality content, low user engagement, poor consistency. Overall, we need to maintain speed and quality together without fall. If you fail to write and manage quality content your site won’t receive much traffic. 

Quote for you:-

“Management of information leads to success in blogging”

“Blogging is all about managing information at the very fundamental solution”

How can I generate 1000visitor a day?

Generating 1000 visitor a day is not an easy task. It is major traffic can yield good revenue. Since, traffic is depending on number of articles rank and Impressions you got on search pages. Write high class post more than 150 to 200, so some get rank, with hope if more articles get ranked, you receive tremendous traffic. 

How do I drive traffic to my website?Summery/Conclusion

So, this post is very specific and action-reaction oriented. This quality stuff is comes from experience of failure. What we do in blogging is directly comes to result. Do the tactics and follow the tips while writing you will soon see the results. 

One thing, I want to warn you, results come very slowly in blogging. Do not stop the work, because if it gets stop everything will go waste. Blogging need patience with continuous work as per my thought. 


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