Saturday, July 13, 2019

How to Verify Property On Google Search Console? Google Search Console

What is Google Search Console? 

Google search console is an tool which allows you to blog post, measure your progress and optimized search engine rankings.

Google search engine allows to find broken link, data related to crawl rate, indexing issues if any on your site. Google search console helps is to get aware of everything of Search engine optimization.

Stay tuned with post and read further how you can use Google search console account to improve your search engine ranking.

How to Verify Property On Google Search Console? 

   Step 1)  Go and Sign in with the Google Search Console account

   Step 2) Click on Below Icon

   Step 4) Click on Add Property Button

   Step 5) Now, here you have two options Domain and URL Prefix

Domain is all about the primary domain name under which your sites are created. Example, is the domain name than, you should enter your address here

URL prefix is for paid hosted or domain name. Just enter the and click on verify.

If your blog is on than the site will get auto verified. 


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