Sunday, August 11, 2019

Google ADSENSE: Guide for Beginners

What is Google AdSense?

AdSense is best platform for publishers. It allows small to large scale publisher to show up ads. AdSense does not have minimum traffic requirement & is best option to earn part time income. 

AdSense earn from advertiser. AdSense share some revenue with us, As a publisher we show ads to the customer,. 

AdSense has huge network of advertiser and publisher. Ads were very relevant to every website. To earn from AdSense one need to have constant and steady traffic to blog or website.

3 Top Reason why you should choose the AdSense

The AdSense is most reliable source for showing the ads. It is one of top company in ads services. The feedback from its users is great. It is relevant, easy to use and you will not have major issue. It serves the great ad experience to customer. Your visitors will receive relevant ads as they need.

Ensure you will get paid 

AdSense pays after you reach 100$ threshold. They pay you directly in your bank account. AdSense will pay on time with high safety. It is easier to give limited bank information to them. 

Most Easy to use services

AdSense is one of most easy to use application.  They had simple process for setting ads and implementation of code. In the help section, you can read tutorials and guides. Website was review and approved within 3 to 4 days. 

After approved from AdSense, you can show ads in less than hour. Their ads were much relevant and bring real user engagement. It is convenient for newbie blogger.

One AdSense account is for all of blogs 

If you get approved for one blog, than you can show ads on other blog of that Gmail account. So, it means you can show ads on other blog. So, you don’t need to make other application to show ads on other blog. 

4 Eligibility Criteria of AdSense 

Google AdSense eligibility criteria that should followed by everyone. It is mandatory to use AdSense. If any of the policy violates than Google will terminate the account. This is the policies that AdSense made for proper functioning of the AdSense services. This eligibility should be seen before you apply for AdSense. 

Original Content 

The content you publish should be original. Every piece of article should help user and should be unique. 

You should not publish the piracy and copied stuff. Whatever you write is already written. You should write in a better way, your content should be unique. So accumulates your thoughts and ideas in inimitable way. You can write original content by write in own language with define perspective.

Minimum age is 18 years 

The minimum age to apply AdSense is above eighteen years. Any person below this age would not able to submit the form. 

AdSense accept forms that submit by an adult person. It means you should cross at least legal age of law. If you are sign up by other email address, the responsible person is the one who has that Gmail account.

There are two requirement was given by AdSense. Follow the things written below for early approval.

Add about us, privacy policy and terms and condition page 

If website does not have any of pages mostly get disapproved. As a website owner you should have these pages at bottom of your site. It increase trust over site for your readers.  

Google prominently follows this page. It is one of major factor that influence early approval.

Write at least 20 posts 

Write 10 blog post before apply to AdSense. This post should be well written both for search engine and users. Give them catchy headline and proper Meta description. Basically, the point is they should get ranked well in search engine. 

You receive confirmation email of approved account. AdSense typically takes 48 hours to response to your approval process. 

If your site is compatible for the above areas than you definitely get approved. After approve from AdSense you should focus on increase the earnings and bringing new visitors. 

How to apply for Google AdSense Account?

AdSense is quite simple in Application process. It is a simple task. In the blogger dashboard, under earning tab you can apply for AdSense. After clicking applies, you need to sign in with Gmail account. Now give your website address and submit the form. The AdSense account is went for approval. 

Above process is for free blogs on blogger platform. Now blogs that are self-hosted have to manually perform all the actions. 

This type of blog comes under AdSense Hosted Account type. The process of applying is little different. You should apply by manually sign in to Gmail account. 

Now, Submit your website link address, name and other information and click on submit. After that you have been successfully applied for AdSense account.

How to show ads on blog

Google AdSense is very easy to setup. As a blogger you don’t need much of technical knowledge to setup the ads. The process of monetizing is also very easy to follow. 

To show the ads in website you need to add the code to your website. The code is given by AdSense. 

Copy code from AdSense and Paste it into HTML page 

Firstly you have to create your ad unit after you receive specific code. Copied the code, you have to put the code in the html and save the template. This will add the code in your website. After adding code the ads will run up within an hour. 

For blogger website only, 

AdSense has its widget in blogger. Just add the widget in layout of your blog and save. Ads will run up within an hour on your blog.

AdSense Ad Types

AdSense products are auto ads, ad units. As a newbie you should need knowledge of it. The best one ad was the auto ads. Auto ads are managed by Google for its best performance.

Different ad types of AdSense,

Auto ads –Select the various ad formats you like and save it. After that place the code, the ads get optimized. It is very useful, easy and relevant to consumers giving great ad experience. Auto ads run on higher optimization without any manual process.  

Ad Units 

Some ads need more importance because they bring higher revenues. Different ad units are in article ads, in feed ads, link ads. Ads based on locations as sidebar or header ads. There are many single ad units that you can run on your site. 

AdSense has huge network of ads. Based on the content of website, they serve specific and relevant ads. It is called contextual ads. Literally it means the ads containing text and image. It is an auto process of finding ads for any blog/website through the content.

How much we Earn from Google AdSense?

There is no potential for earnings through the ads. As your traffic increases earnings will high. It all depend on three factor, Clicks, cost per click and traffic. After you start blogging consistently, your money will never cease. There are young children’s who are making money out of it. 

How much an average blogger can earn? with example, 

Average visitor = 3000/d
Total clicks = 420/d
Cost per click = 0.2$ average

Calculation is  

450 * 0.1 = 42 $ in one day 

So, with above traffic, you can earn at least 40 dollar a day. An average blogger earn easily 10 to 20 dollar a day. I suggest focusing on quality of content, to get high traffic and earnings.

You can see the potential. You just need to bring some traffic to your blog. After that, you maintained traffic & your earning will never cease. 

There is no limit to earnings from Google AdSense. Focus on consistent writing content that user love to read and share. Google will only rank quality content irrespective of any importance. Once you get ranked, money will totally depend on traffic.

How AdSense pay to publisher?

AdSense has cost per click system. They pay to us by cost per click. It is of every ad pays differently. The average CPC for developed countries ranges from 0.1 to 0.4 dollar. So this way AdSense pays to publisher. 

AdSense share 35% of revenue with publisher. 

How Google AdSense sends payment?

Google AdSense offers direct wire transfer, bank transfer and by check etc. one of convenient method is direct bank transfer.  Before sending the payment, you need to verify your pin and filled up the payment information. After 100 dollar you can withdraw your money.  

AdSense ask for account number, IFSC & swift code and. This helps them to send money directly bank. As without this information no one can send payment to your bank account.

Your bank account no. and IFSC code is present on passbook. The SWIFT code is very specific to each bank. The swift code is for international transaction. It is specific to the branch of the bank. The bank will give you swift code. 

Can I use AdSense account for YouTube Channel? 

Yes, you can do this, while doing your account goes many changes.  When you linked non-host (fully approved) AdSense with You Tube channel, it twisted to be Hosted AdSense account. 

Hosted account does not show ads on extension sites. The hosted AdSense is available for YouTube and self host website. Hosted account show ads on sites that are self- hosted, Ex. 

Let us understand with example,

If you link your AdSense account to you-tube monetization, the account will be of hosted account type. After, you won’t show ads on free blogs. 

So, I suggest keeping account separated as long as you are blogging on free domain name. Separate AdSense account for your YouTube and blogger blog. 


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