Friday, September 27, 2019

How to Add a Page to Blogger

Adding pages in blogger blog is quit simple process.

This series of post is especially written for a very newbie bloggers so they could get know all basic fundamentals.

Step by step guide to add page in blogger, 

First step: 

Go to blogger > Pages > create a page 

Second step:

Now, make page for yourself, later on saved the page. 

After you have created page successfully. But if you want your page appears to be on page than follow this step,

Third step: 

Go to, Layout > add gadget > select pages > select pages you want to show 

Now, you should save the post and save setting in theme area. 

After saved the setting, your page will appear in the respective areas.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How do I drive traffic to my website?

How do I drive traffic to my website? 

How do I drive traffic to my website?

1. Write what people need
2. Catchy headline
3. Keyword placement
4. Keyword density
5. Work on your keywords
6. Increase your User Time on site
7. Focus on low competitor niche or article (find out ways to enter in the market)
8. Wisely promote the article
9. Meta description
10. Start to build backlinks
11. Use Google Search Console to increase traffic

How to get rank my website?

How Google Give you high traffic?

How people manage to drive millions of traffic?

Why my site isn’t receives traffic?

How can I generate 1000visitor a day?

How do I drive traffic to my website? Summery/Conclusion 


How do I drive traffic to my website? 

Increase traffic is the real game of blog or your website. There are two principles of traffic, quality and value. It means everyone want long term traffic, it won’t come without quality and value content. 

I have 4-5 years of experience, some deep points that you should focus for drive traffic. Below points is very specific, they can change the performance of your website/blog. Read post frequently as it reveals importance of small points.

People give you advice of writing, SEO tricks or case study. It won’t help much or short traffic is not we search. We need long term traffic, which we can convert into money. So, focus on higher goals, traffic, ranking and great content. 

Write what people need

“Need is the seed of innovation”

Writing what is helpful to consumer directly cultivate your level to high level. The need can be very small or big. It should be precisely predict. In blogging, we should focus on new solution; newer problems and how we betterly can overcome those problems. 

Catchy headline 

Headlines are the real driver of consumers. It is the first thing people see. Headline reveals idea, concept and topic in your article.  Headlines increases traffic exposure which may convert into traffic. It increases click through rate. If you don’t make catchy headline, attention and CTR will take by your competitor.

Keyword placement 

Keyword placement is direct mean SEO friendly article. Best keyword placement for generating traffic from search engine,

1) Headline 
2) Headings in articles 
3) Meta description 
4) Introduction and end paragraph 
5) Middle of the post 

Google perform keyword search, in Meta description, headings, and keywords from first or last paragraph. 

So, our keyword placement is little important for the consumer also. Sometimes, Consumer behaves by the headline. 

Keyword density 

Keyword density defines the percentage of a keyword in a whole post. Google crawl and find keyword comes more frequently. Search engine gives ranking to this more frequent keyword. Put the main keywords frequently with relevance. Keyword density should avoid Wrong SEO practice, keyword placement issues and malpractice.

Work on your keywords 

Now, when you publish after you have to follow keywords. Find which keyword Google rank your post. You can find the keywords on free tools such as Google analytics or Google search console. Keywords that bringing the traffic should be optimize for its higher performance. 
Increase your User Time on site 

User time means the amount of time an average person spends on your blog.

How user time increases traffic?

User time means how much time a user spends on your article reading. The longer he reads means user is reading because he understands and getting it. It indicates that Google should promote the post to people who love it. 

How to increase the user time on site?

We should and write more detail post, so it can get ranked easily. It should increases the overall value to the customer. A post higher in length sometimes damage value. Need is a thing that hold customer is for long as we save the need. So, write articles based on user need it will drive higher user time.  

Focus on low competitor niche or article (find out ways to enter in the market) 

To make entry into the market is real inertia we have to overcome. It is very difficult to enter in the competitive market. To get entry in the market we need to get rank keywords. Keywords rank easily when the competition is less. New topics, trending stuff, new ideas, tips were low competitive because it is current trend for competition will develop. 

Even you are in high competition, try to enter in the market from various perspective, areas and angle so you can grow out in space. Ex. tries various keywords ideas surrounding the topic.  Try writing differently & in different format with new ways to solve the consumer problems.

Once you enter the market it means you have created something that people like to use.

Wisely promote the article

The promotion is important it gives initial exposure to your blog. Developing strong social network will pay you loyal customers or traffic. When you promote stuff it is not only a post but a real product of yours. So, promotes great content. Promote the post in a way that brings higher conversation and engagement on social platform. 

Meta description 

Meta description is short description of your web page. Meta description is a basic search engine tactic. You can mention some keywords that you want to rank. Meta descriptions is seen by the people, it appear on the search results, more frequently. Meta description is a good SEO strategy that you should optimize it. 

Start to build backlinks 

Back linking becomes an important advance search engine metrics to rank. Google give high ranks to page with quality backlinks. You can build links from social sites and from any other quality sites. You came new to backlink you can orient term I have friendly and real article on backlink. How to manage and create backlink, to understand the natural backlinks read post:

Use Google Search Console to increase traffic 

Google search console provide data on each page, what keyword it rank, page rank and amount of clicks and impressions. Wisely calculate and improve your website performance. 

How to get rank my website?

Ranking is a real game of blogging. If your website get ranked for certain keyword that drives thousands of visitors. Than this is gold mine for you. But, issue is with this much of competition to get rank our pages is very difficult. Since, you don’t worry there is still a way to get see, by writing what consumer want. 

The content get rank easily if competition is less or negligible. Somewhere, to rank in highly competitive niche is tough level of blogging. 

To get rank, Google want great content, high click through rate and user time on site. So, it enhances your ranking. We have to work every area to get higher ranking. 

How Google Give you high traffic?

Google has a certain parameter to filter and then gives ranking. the amount of visitors you receive is depend number of articles rank high in Google search pages. 

Google does not manually send traffic to the site, but they look for each article to be capable of ranking high. So, that is the reason why some blogger earn more money and traffic with low number of post. 

How people manage to drive millions of traffic?


No one receive million traffic that is sustainable without producing quality content. It take time, energy, focus to write than index, rank etc. after that one receive millions of traffic. They manage huge traffic, by publishing frequently & developing the old content. 

You can drive traffic by keep working patiently with perseverance you soon receive higher traffic. 

Why my site isn’t receives traffic?

There reason can low quality content, low user engagement, poor consistency. Overall, we need to maintain speed and quality together without fall. If you fail to write and manage quality content your site won’t receive much traffic. 

Quote for you:-

“Management of information leads to success in blogging”

“Blogging is all about managing information at the very fundamental solution”

How can I generate 1000visitor a day?

Generating 1000 visitor a day is not an easy task. It is major traffic can yield good revenue. Since, traffic is depending on number of articles rank and Impressions you got on search pages. Write high class post more than 150 to 200, so some get rank, with hope if more articles get ranked, you receive tremendous traffic. 

How do I drive traffic to my website?Summery/Conclusion

So, this post is very specific and action-reaction oriented. This quality stuff is comes from experience of failure. What we do in blogging is directly comes to result. Do the tactics and follow the tips while writing you will soon see the results. 

One thing, I want to warn you, results come very slowly in blogging. Do not stop the work, because if it gets stop everything will go waste. Blogging need patience with continuous work as per my thought. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

5 Steps on how to create Google AdSense account

Title of content:- 

List of Steps to create Google AdSense account

Step 1:- Sign up for AdSense 
Step 2:- Fill Website Information
Step 3:- Fill the payment details 
Step 4:- Review process 
Step 5:- Paste the ad code 

How much time will it take to approve?

What after you get disapprove or rejected?

What is AdSense pin?

AdSense is best advertising service on the internet. Creating AdSense account is much easier than you think. It allows you to show relevant ads to the customers. It also helps you to monetize your ads very conveniently. You will have no more stress to add the code. There is no any error, mis-concepts and technical issues found on AdSense. AdSense is a real great ad serving company for publishers like us. 

AdSense is one of Google product offers you and me blogger to earn money. The money you earn is totally depending on people you engage by your writing/ services. Today this post will tell you exactly how to create an AdSense account. Before I will tell the type of sites that get approve from AdSense.

How to make a site compatible for AdSense?

Make the Site AdSense Friendly apply the necessary pages, sitemap, and enough content and build traffic. Everything in blogging world revolves around great content or great writing. So you are willing to write quality, traffic will build up immediately.

“Everything in blogging world rotate around great content or great writing”

What pages Google want to approve blog?

Google is strict on rules of website and ads. A website or blog producing illegal content, prohibitive stuff were rejected. About us, privacy policy, terms &condition page, sitemap are pages that proof legal side of ours to Google AdSense. 

Basically things needed to apply for AdSense gives below, 

1) You have an website free or host, with enough content and traffic 
2) One Gmail address to communicate with your account 
3) The minimum age to apply for is 18 years.

Step by step guide for how to create an AdSense account:- 

Creating AdSense account is an easy process. After reading the post you can create account. 

List of Steps to create Google AdSense account

Step 1:- Sign up for AdSense 

The Sign up of AdSense is the application form we fill and submit to Google. But, to sign up G-mail address and age should be 18+ is compulsory. The G-mail address owner will be owner of AdSense account. 

If your blog is free blog on blogger than apply as. Open your blogger dashboard, locate the earning tab in the left hand side, and click it. There is an option Apply for AdSense, Sign up for AdSense. After clicking on Apply you redirect to next step. 

Application of blogs/website with self hosting submits by AdSense official site. Everything is similar except this one application form. 

Step 2:- Fill Website Information

In the step2, put your website link/url into the form, select the country and review the terms and condition. Accept t&c and click save. 

The next is payment details. The form is not completed yet. It is not bank or document information. 

Step 3:- Fill the payment details 

This payment details were your profile details. The payment made into bank not on this address. This information is up to, address, permanent address, town/city, pin code, state, country etc.

This information becomes your profile information. This information can be edit after getting approved. Submitting the details, Google AdSense form is sending for approval.

Step 4:- Review process 

Review process is of AdSense judge our website/blog on their parameter. Generally, they look for how long the website is active, how much content is present, piracy stuff, illegal content etc.

Within a day or two days, result of AdSense came on given G-mail. An approved website receives a welcome email from AdSense. Now, the fifth step should be done to complete setup of AdSense account. 

But, when you receive message, your site is approved. It means that you were created AdSense account and successfully approved it.

Step 5:- Display ad on website 

Fifth step is only to approve AdSense account. Here you first make ad unit, auto ad and get a code. This code place in website will show up the ads. Now your AdSense ads are visible for everyone. Don’t click on your ads it is a wrong practice. For one who does steps successfully, congratulations and keep writing.

How much time will it take to approve?

AdSense typically takes 2 to 3 days for approve. But, I personally receive email the day after I apply. They do not take time if your site is really approvable. So, before apply make sure you have create a quality sites. Just get approved and then start making money.

What after you get disapprove or rejected?

If you get disapprove/ rejected do not get panic, anxious. Every pro-blogger initially get disapprove. It need time to create quality sites, content, traffic. It takes enough knowledge to make AdSense suitable sites. 

Don’t worry, first evaluate what went wrong. After that, focuses on improving writing and quality content. Major reason of bloggers to fail is only less quality content. Next Learn SEO, SMM, Backlinks, internal links and search algorithm.

What is AdSense pin?

AdSense pin is the pin that you have needed to verify your presence. Google send you the pin that you need to put into the AdSense.

AdSense pin send by post to your home directly. If you don’t put the pin than your AdSense will be banned, you need to verify your address. You can also verify by Aadhar card, pan card or nationality passport. 

Read my another detail post:

Google ADSENSE: Guide for Beginners

If you get benefited from above do a share the post

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Backlink Importance In SEO | Is Backlink useful or not

Backlink Concepts you should know!

Backlink is a powerful SEO signal in the eyes of search engine. Backlinks tells importance of content to search engine within a market.

The links are of two types, internal and external link. Internal links are the links planted in website for site navigation and user engagement. Internal links produces high conversion rate. User will be more satisfied with relevancy and love to visit. Internal linking promotes crawler to crawl in depth.

External links were the keys for high ranking. Links are very valuable and important. When people link your post it is trust, value and quality. The more people share your stuff lead to increase ranking.

How backlink improves ranking?

Backlink improves ranking. But each back-link does not affect the ranking. There are thousands of links out there which has no effect on ranking. So, we say it depend on the link performance.

Backlink puts you on first page; but to remain on first page, quality of content is crucial. Otherwise Google will dominate you with another parameter. Quality content is must to sustain on first page. If not, than only backlinks will not able to sustain you.

Let us take example,

One article has 50 backlinks and good user CTR, time on site and low bounce rate. So the page ranking will sustain for long time.

Same article has 50 backlink with average CTR, low time on site, and high bounce rate fall rankings.

You should focus on creating backlinks naturally. When and how they naturally develop?

Develop backlink naturally

Natural backlinks were created by users. Users either share your content or link back to your website. So, Backlink is user feedback process.

Always think on how you can build great content that people like, share and comment. If your post is good, people will relink to your post & make connection with your post. This is a natural process of backlink. It will develop strong backlinks network. It shows that article is worth of read.

First question: find the reason why people share and like the content. They should feel good to share information. Create content that people love and like to share.

Answer: Create a post that is full of solutions and answers. People get engaged with this type of post. They link you for their benefit.

When you should start for backlinks

When you consider you make something worth read by people. You start to create backlink. There are many ways to create backlink. Either you create natural or buy backlinks.

Paid linking is a game of money. You exchange link for money. It should be perform when your content is really great.

Prior making backlink, make sure you create a good site. A site with good site map, 20-30 post well written post is needed to start.

How you should create backlink for your website?

Backlinks were stress-free process. But for increasing traffic, you need to build the quality backlinks. Create engaging content that will promote visitors to share your stuff. If article is worth read, it grows faster by user only.

Links coming from Wikipedia, high DA sites were very useful. It increases trust of website. Links from low authority and poor sites will be neutral.

Major source of backlink were social links and referral links. Guest post and paid backlink another major backlink strategy.

Social links

Social sites are place where you meet with real people. Create your Facebook page and share the article. If your post gets one re-share only it gives big impact on ranking.

Social traffic is temporary. But with huge network of likes and followers, you can generate steady traffic to your blog. Social traffic is a targeted traffic drives higher conversions. Social backlinks is great backlinks that truly affects the search engine ranking.


People recommend your website is considered as referral backlink. It is user oriented process. It involves commenting, sharing your link as means to connect with other people.

Paid linking

Paid links are available on sites like People give backlink to your site for some money. You give them five dollar and they send you five backlinks just like this.

It is one of advance SEO strategy. It works as long as your content is great and worthy enough.

Guest posting

Guest posting means writing for high DA website with putting your link there. Traffic from those sites will make you famous, popular in that niche. It brings more targeted traffic to your site. You receive more exposure online.

Guest posting is difficult task. It is one of best way to get natural backlink.

How backlink increase rankings

Backlink is important ranking factor. If you build high quality links you will see your ranking increase in two days. Irrespective of other factors, results of backlink produce much faster.

Backlink is a proof of quality information, knowledgeable site and more trustworthy content.

How backlink changes ranking: my personal experience read it once.

One of my posts comes on third page of Google. I make a link from Wikipedia to it. The post appears on first page. But, the quality of article is not enough to sustain for longer time. So it goes off from first page.

This experience teaches me, that anyhow if you get rank also, you are not going to sustain with poor content.

Check backlink of your site

Backlink Checker – A Free tool to Check Backlink

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Google ADSENSE: Guide for Beginners

What is Google AdSense?

AdSense is best platform for publishers. It allows small to large scale publisher to show up ads. AdSense does not have minimum traffic requirement & is best option to earn part time income. 

AdSense earn from advertiser. AdSense share some revenue with us, As a publisher we show ads to the customer,. 

AdSense has huge network of advertiser and publisher. Ads were very relevant to every website. To earn from AdSense one need to have constant and steady traffic to blog or website.

3 Top Reason why you should choose the AdSense

The AdSense is most reliable source for showing the ads. It is one of top company in ads services. The feedback from its users is great. It is relevant, easy to use and you will not have major issue. It serves the great ad experience to customer. Your visitors will receive relevant ads as they need.

Ensure you will get paid 

AdSense pays after you reach 100$ threshold. They pay you directly in your bank account. AdSense will pay on time with high safety. It is easier to give limited bank information to them. 

Most Easy to use services

AdSense is one of most easy to use application.  They had simple process for setting ads and implementation of code. In the help section, you can read tutorials and guides. Website was review and approved within 3 to 4 days. 

After approved from AdSense, you can show ads in less than hour. Their ads were much relevant and bring real user engagement. It is convenient for newbie blogger.

One AdSense account is for all of blogs 

If you get approved for one blog, than you can show ads on other blog of that Gmail account. So, it means you can show ads on other blog. So, you don’t need to make other application to show ads on other blog. 

4 Eligibility Criteria of AdSense 

Google AdSense eligibility criteria that should followed by everyone. It is mandatory to use AdSense. If any of the policy violates than Google will terminate the account. This is the policies that AdSense made for proper functioning of the AdSense services. This eligibility should be seen before you apply for AdSense. 

Original Content 

The content you publish should be original. Every piece of article should help user and should be unique. 

You should not publish the piracy and copied stuff. Whatever you write is already written. You should write in a better way, your content should be unique. So accumulates your thoughts and ideas in inimitable way. You can write original content by write in own language with define perspective.

Minimum age is 18 years 

The minimum age to apply AdSense is above eighteen years. Any person below this age would not able to submit the form. 

AdSense accept forms that submit by an adult person. It means you should cross at least legal age of law. If you are sign up by other email address, the responsible person is the one who has that Gmail account.

There are two requirement was given by AdSense. Follow the things written below for early approval.

Add about us, privacy policy and terms and condition page 

If website does not have any of pages mostly get disapproved. As a website owner you should have these pages at bottom of your site. It increase trust over site for your readers.  

Google prominently follows this page. It is one of major factor that influence early approval.

Write at least 20 posts 

Write 10 blog post before apply to AdSense. This post should be well written both for search engine and users. Give them catchy headline and proper Meta description. Basically, the point is they should get ranked well in search engine. 

You receive confirmation email of approved account. AdSense typically takes 48 hours to response to your approval process. 

If your site is compatible for the above areas than you definitely get approved. After approve from AdSense you should focus on increase the earnings and bringing new visitors. 

How to apply for Google AdSense Account?

AdSense is quite simple in Application process. It is a simple task. In the blogger dashboard, under earning tab you can apply for AdSense. After clicking applies, you need to sign in with Gmail account. Now give your website address and submit the form. The AdSense account is went for approval. 

Above process is for free blogs on blogger platform. Now blogs that are self-hosted have to manually perform all the actions. 

This type of blog comes under AdSense Hosted Account type. The process of applying is little different. You should apply by manually sign in to Gmail account. 

Now, Submit your website link address, name and other information and click on submit. After that you have been successfully applied for AdSense account.

How to show ads on blog

Google AdSense is very easy to setup. As a blogger you don’t need much of technical knowledge to setup the ads. The process of monetizing is also very easy to follow. 

To show the ads in website you need to add the code to your website. The code is given by AdSense. 

Copy code from AdSense and Paste it into HTML page 

Firstly you have to create your ad unit after you receive specific code. Copied the code, you have to put the code in the html and save the template. This will add the code in your website. After adding code the ads will run up within an hour. 

For blogger website only, 

AdSense has its widget in blogger. Just add the widget in layout of your blog and save. Ads will run up within an hour on your blog.

AdSense Ad Types

AdSense products are auto ads, ad units. As a newbie you should need knowledge of it. The best one ad was the auto ads. Auto ads are managed by Google for its best performance.

Different ad types of AdSense,

Auto ads –Select the various ad formats you like and save it. After that place the code, the ads get optimized. It is very useful, easy and relevant to consumers giving great ad experience. Auto ads run on higher optimization without any manual process.  

Ad Units 

Some ads need more importance because they bring higher revenues. Different ad units are in article ads, in feed ads, link ads. Ads based on locations as sidebar or header ads. There are many single ad units that you can run on your site. 

AdSense has huge network of ads. Based on the content of website, they serve specific and relevant ads. It is called contextual ads. Literally it means the ads containing text and image. It is an auto process of finding ads for any blog/website through the content.

How much we Earn from Google AdSense?

There is no potential for earnings through the ads. As your traffic increases earnings will high. It all depend on three factor, Clicks, cost per click and traffic. After you start blogging consistently, your money will never cease. There are young children’s who are making money out of it. 

How much an average blogger can earn? with example, 

Average visitor = 3000/d
Total clicks = 420/d
Cost per click = 0.2$ average

Calculation is  

450 * 0.1 = 42 $ in one day 

So, with above traffic, you can earn at least 40 dollar a day. An average blogger earn easily 10 to 20 dollar a day. I suggest focusing on quality of content, to get high traffic and earnings.

You can see the potential. You just need to bring some traffic to your blog. After that, you maintained traffic & your earning will never cease. 

There is no limit to earnings from Google AdSense. Focus on consistent writing content that user love to read and share. Google will only rank quality content irrespective of any importance. Once you get ranked, money will totally depend on traffic.

How AdSense pay to publisher?

AdSense has cost per click system. They pay to us by cost per click. It is of every ad pays differently. The average CPC for developed countries ranges from 0.1 to 0.4 dollar. So this way AdSense pays to publisher. 

AdSense share 35% of revenue with publisher. 

How Google AdSense sends payment?

Google AdSense offers direct wire transfer, bank transfer and by check etc. one of convenient method is direct bank transfer.  Before sending the payment, you need to verify your pin and filled up the payment information. After 100 dollar you can withdraw your money.  

AdSense ask for account number, IFSC & swift code and. This helps them to send money directly bank. As without this information no one can send payment to your bank account.

Your bank account no. and IFSC code is present on passbook. The SWIFT code is very specific to each bank. The swift code is for international transaction. It is specific to the branch of the bank. The bank will give you swift code. 

Can I use AdSense account for YouTube Channel? 

Yes, you can do this, while doing your account goes many changes.  When you linked non-host (fully approved) AdSense with You Tube channel, it twisted to be Hosted AdSense account. 

Hosted account does not show ads on extension sites. The hosted AdSense is available for YouTube and self host website. Hosted account show ads on sites that are self- hosted, Ex. 

Let us understand with example,

If you link your AdSense account to you-tube monetization, the account will be of hosted account type. After, you won’t show ads on free blogs. 

So, I suggest keeping account separated as long as you are blogging on free domain name. Separate AdSense account for your YouTube and blogger blog. 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

How to Verify Property On Google Search Console? Google Search Console

What is Google Search Console? 

Google search console is an tool which allows you to blog post, measure your progress and optimized search engine rankings.

Google search engine allows to find broken link, data related to crawl rate, indexing issues if any on your site. Google search console helps is to get aware of everything of Search engine optimization.

Stay tuned with post and read further how you can use Google search console account to improve your search engine ranking.

How to Verify Property On Google Search Console? 

   Step 1)  Go and Sign in with the Google Search Console account

   Step 2) Click on Below Icon

   Step 4) Click on Add Property Button

   Step 5) Now, here you have two options Domain and URL Prefix

Domain is all about the primary domain name under which your sites are created. Example, is the domain name than, you should enter your address here

URL prefix is for paid hosted or domain name. Just enter the and click on verify.

If your blog is on than the site will get auto verified. 

Friday, July 12, 2019

How to Submit Sitemap to Google Search Console?

How to Submit Sitemap to Google?
How to Submit Sitemap to Google?

Sitemap is an important key to is to send Google direct links to all our webite pages. We can submit site to Google by Google Search Console. This is a special tool also helps in optimizing our traffic and keywords.

There are two type of sitemap xml and html format. The xml format of the sitemap is for the google to submit. While, html formatted sitemap is created to place on our site so, website reader easily navigate site.

I have written a post, where i have explained regarding how to make sitemap in both the format. The link is given below, So here we only learn about how to submit sitemap to Google.

How to Create A Sitemap In XML & HTML Format

How to Submit Sitemap To Google?

If you want to submit the sitemap to Google, first you have to create a Google search console account. This account ask you to verify your identity for that website.

After verification, submit your site url link to the submit sitemap section.

If you want to create a Google Search Console Account than read further post,

How to Open Google Search Console Account? 

Now, we will see steps to submit sitemap, with assume that you have created a search console account, 

  Step 1) First go to Search console and login with your email address..

Click to Go In Search Console

  Step 2) Click on the icon given in the image

  Step 3) Click On Sitemap

   Step 4) Submit Your Sitemap link

Now your sitemap has been submitted to Google. Your URL will crawl by Google. If it is a high quality article it will rank soon.